Bedroom Home and Living Rooms

How to Clean Mattress – 11 Ways For a Deep Clean

How to Clean Your Mattress- 11 Ways For The Deep Clean

Everyone prefers to sleep without discomfort after a hectic day of work and routine. To maintain a clean and hygienic sleep environment, it’s essential to clean your mattress. A mattress can accumulate dust, sweat, and stains, impacting sleep quality and health. The mattress can be easily cleaned, and there are 11 ways to deep clean it. Let’s see how to clean mattresses here.

How to Clean Mattress? – 11 Ways For a Deep Clean

1. Vacuum Your Mattress Thoroughly


Start cleaning the mattress with a vacuum cleaner. This method is suitable for mattresses that are sensitive to water and other cleaning methods. It is mainly used to remove dust from the bed. Pay close attention to seams, crevices, and tufted areas where dust, dirt, and allergens tend to accumulate. 

2. Spot Clean Stains Immediately

Sudden accidents like spills or stains on the mattress are the worst things that can happen to your mattress. It may cause a slight color change in the spilled area. So first, I need to clean it with a clean cloth or tissue. Then, gently dab some water on the affected area and apply a mixture of detergent and water. Remember to apply only mild detergent; otherwise, the extra foam will be difficult to wash. Avoid harsh chemicals or scrubbing too vigorously, damaging the mattress’s fabric.

3. Deodorize with Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the most useful home remedies for absorbing dirt and acts as a deodorizer. It also helps to freshen up your mattress. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the surface of the mattress and let it sit for several hours, preferably overnight. Vacuum up the baking soda the next day to remove any lingering odors.

4. Use a Steam Cleaner

Use a Steam Cleaner

Steam cleaners are the current trend among dirt-killing experts. It can act as an effective tool for deep cleaning the mattress. However, always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions before using these techniques. Also, the steam cleaner has to be used after reading the manual. Some materials can’t be cleaned with the steam cleaner.

5. Flip and Rotate Your Mattress

It is the most common method used to extend the lifespan of a mattress. It is essential to flip and rotate the mattress. Using a mattress without flipping and spinning for an extended period can make dirt on a particular area and also cause sagging and indentations. This method also helps to identify every new dirt and stain to clean so no accumulations happen. 

6. Invest in a Mattress Protector

Preventing the mattress from having dirt is better than cleaning the dirt. For this, invest a reasonable amount for the bed mattress protector. This can act as a cover for spills, stains, and all other dirt. Remember to choose a waterproof and breathable mattress protector that comforts you when sleeping.

7. Wash Bedding Frequently

Cleaning all the dirt at once is difficult. So, it is better to clean regularly to prevent the buildup of dust and sweat. Weekly washing of the sheets, pillowcases, and mattress protector in hot water or dry cleaning is better. Dry cleaning can be preferred for bedsheets and pillowcases, which are difficult to dry and water wash.

8. Air Out Your Mattress

Air Out Your Mattress

The regular accumulation of moisture can cause odor and discomfort in your bed. To prevent this, strip off all the bedding and open windows for fresh air. It is also good to place the mattress outside in direct sunlight for natural disinfection.

9. Spot Treat Odors with Vinegar

Like baking soda, vinegar can be used as a natural cleaner. Vinegar is a natural deodorizer that can help eliminate stubborn odors from your mattress. Mix the vinegar and water equally in a spray bottle and lightly mist on the dirty area. Make it dry, and you can also wipe it with a clean cloth or tissue. After completely drying, the protector or sheets can cover it.

10. Check for Signs of Wear and Tear

In addition, regularly inspect the mattress for any visible damage. Sagging and small lumps can occur, making sleeping uncomfortable. If you notice any issues, immediately change the mattress. 

11. Follow the Manufacturer’s Guidelines

Follow the Manufacturer's Guidelines

Finally, follow the manufacturer’s cleaning guidelines and tips to protect it from other damages. You can also contact the manufacturer to clarify any doubts regarding cleaning and warranty. They can give you advice on all such issues. Remember, all the mattresses have different textures and are made by different companies. So contacting the manufacturer is a perfect thing. 


In conclusion, maintaining a clean and hygienic mattress is essential for a restful night’s sleep and overall well-being. Following these 11 methods for deep cleaning your mattress, you can ensure your sleep environment remains fresh, comfortable, and free of allergens and odors. So, take the time to give your mattress the attention it deserves, and you’ll be rewarded with many nights of blissful sleep.

FAQ on how to deep clean a mattress

1. How often should I clean my mattress?

It’s better to clean your mattress every 3 months. If it’s not possible, at least clean it every 6 months. Also, sudden cleaning is important, if any accident stains or dirt happen. If you have pets, there is a chance to cause allergies, so change it more frequently.

2. Can I use bleach to clean my mattress?

Bleaching the mattress may cause damage to the fabric. Don’t use harsh chemicals or products that reduce the texture of the mattress. Stick to mild detergents and natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda.

3. How do I know if my mattress needs to be replaced?

Signs that your mattress may need replacing include visible sagging, lumps, or any discomfort or pain when sleeping. If you’re unsure, it’s best to contact the manufacturer or a professional for guidance.

4. Can I clean a memory foam mattress the same way as other types of mattresses?

Foam mattresses are different from all other types; they have to be cleaned and kept with extra care. In such cases, preventing it from becoming dirty is more effective than cleaning.  While many cleaning methods apply to all types of mattresses, it’s essential to check the manufacturer’s guidelines, especially for memory foam mattresses. Avoid excessive moisture and harsh chemicals, as they can damage memory foam.

5. What’s the best way to prevent stains on my mattress?

Investing in a quality mattress protector is the best way to prevent stains and spills from reaching your mattress. A waterproof and breathable protector will safeguard your mattress while allowing for airflow and comfort.